PETA stands for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. It’s an American nonprofit organization advocating for animal rights. As the largest animal rights group in the world, PETA has nearly 400 employees and 6.5 million members and supporters. PETA’s slogan is, “Animals are not ours to eat, wear, experiment on, use for entertainment, or abuse in any other way.”

PETA uses text message marketing to communicate with their First Responder advocacy program members. Recipients can text replies anywhere, any time to support saving animals.

Messages archived: 45 1521 Views SMS: 100% Frequency: Every 5 Days


February 29, 2020
PETA Text Message Marketing Example - 02.29.2020


February 28, 2020
PETA Text Message Marketing Example - 02.28.2020


February 25, 2020
PETA Text Message Marketing Example - 02.25.2020


February 19, 2020
PETA Text Message Marketing Example - 02.19.2020